Senin, 16 Juni 2014

Holiday does not like vacation? Everybody likes vacation. When vacation you feel free and far from routine activities. Many places can be a choice for your vacation. Like a vacation in the country or abroad.

Like my vacation choice this time go to Singapore. It’s not vacation sihh..just wanted to give a stamp in the passport is almost expired. Kan lumayan 1 stempel juga jadi ngga malu-maluin kalau perpanjang nanti. J

When arrived in Changi Airport I’m very surprised because the airport is very good and clean and neat. There is very tight security and discipline. Most of the people in Singapore is India and china. Besides airport, discipline and order are also visible on the streets, at bus stops and MRT. They are all obedient to the rules that have been made ​​by the government. When I compare it with Indonesia is far away.

The first time I took MRT agak norak sih soalnya baru tau klo MRT ngga ada masinisnya, all was control by computer. I stay near Bugis street, the hostel very comfortable like you live in your house laaahh..., they always provide a free breakfast for those who stay there. You can eat as much as you can but remember there is a limit time. Day one I go to the famous image from Singapore is merlion. Many people take a picture with that statue, istilahnya sih ngga ke Singapore klo belum foto disana :p. After that I go to marina bays just want to look the famous hotel and the amazing swimming pool, unfortunately we cannot see the swimming pool closely because is not open for public just for people who stay in that hotel and near the hotel there is a gardens by the bay, many people come to there to look tulips.  After that we go to the famous street in Singapore, it is orchard street. Who does not know orchard? The street which is every Sunday many TKI come together just for relax. In there I try the famous ice cream, many people said ice cream one dollar. Enak sih tapi ngga tau apa yang bikin es krim ini sampai banyak yang suka. Besides trying ice cream, I buy a popcorn is name Garret. Popcorn yang klo kebanyakkan makan terlalu manis tapi bikin nagih.

Day two I go to Universal Studio Singapore. Same as merlion park, universal studio is the famous place must to go if you come to Singapore. Oh yaa.. I give you some advice if you want to go to Universal, please took a taxi is more efficient than you took MRT or bus because when you arrive “lupa nama tempatnya” you must pay 4 dollar for one people to took monorel to the Universal. If you took a taxi you just pay 10 dollar you can arrive in from of the casino. Ohh..ya satu lagi ternyata rute bis di Singapore tuh ngga sama kayak indonesia, jalur datang dan pulangnya beda, jadi rajin-rajinlah baca rute bis yang ada di halte, jangan ampe nyasar kayak saya :p.
Day three and four I just walk around the Singapore using MRT and Bus. Although only short time and it was surreptitiously college, I am very happy and interest to come back. And I have a dream to stay and working in there because there is no pollution, traffic, criminal. So I think live in there very safe and healthy.    

If I have opportunity go to Singapore again I want to go to a place that I have not had time to visit and bring all my family JJ


Crimson Rose

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Crimson Rose

Crimson Rose
Mawar merah tua
A sign of beauty
A symbol of grace
Its pride runs strong
At a very fast pace.
Sebuah tanda kecantikan
Sebuah simbol rahmat
Kebanggaan berjalan kuat
Pada kecepatan yang sangat cepat.

Tanda sebuah kecantikan
Simbol sebuah rahmat
Kebanggan berjalan kuat
Pada kecepatan yang sangat cepat.
It's wild like a wolf
It's gentle like the breeze
And it has a burning honour
It's not eager to please.
Ini liar seperti serigala
Ini lembut seperti angin
Dan memiliki kehormatan terbakar
Ini tidak bersemangat untuk menyenangkan.

Liar seperti serigala
Lembut seperti angin
Dan memiliki kehormatan yang menyala
Tidak bersemangat untuk menyenangkan.
But carelessness pays 
It is armed with thorns
It'll laugh while you're bleeding
As your skin gets torn.
Tapi kecerobohan membayar
Hal ini dipersenjatai dengan duri
Ini akan tertawa saat kau berdarah
Seperti kulit Anda akan robek.
Tapi kecerobohan akan membayar
Ini dipersenjatai dengan duri
Itu akan tertawa saat kau berdarah
Seperti kulitmu akan robek.

It is loved worldwide
But don't be fooled by its pose
It holds ancient, dark secrets
Beware of the Crimson Rose.
Hal ini dicintai di seluruh dunia
Tapi jangan tertipu oleh berpose nya
Ini memegang kuno, rahasia gelap
Waspadalah terhadap Crimson Rose.
Ini sangat dicintai di seluruh dunia
Tapi jangan tertipu oleh gayanya
Ini memang kuno, rahasia gelap
Waspadalah terhadap mawar merah tua.

Missing summer

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Missing Summer

Hilang Musim Panas
Merindukan Musim Panas
the grass so green,
the sun so bright,
life seems a dream,
no worries in sight
rumput begitu hijau,
matahari begitu cerah,
kehidupan tampaknya mimpi,
tidak ada kekhawatiran di mata
Rumput begitu hijau,
Matahari begitu cerah,
Kehidupan seperti mimpi,
Tidak ada kekhawatiran di mata
tans and tank tops,
laughter and bliss,
each moment passes,
without even a miss
tans dan tank top,
tawa dan kebahagiaan,
setiap saat berlalu,
bahkan tanpa miss
Berjemur dan tank top,
Tertawa dan kebahagiaan,
Setiap saat berlalu,
Bahkan tanpa ada yang terlewat.
friends and cookouts,
memories and laughs,
good times to remember,
but how long will it last
teman dan cookouts,
kenangan dan tertawa,
waktu yang baik untuk diingat,
tapi berapa lama akan itu terakhir
Teman dan piknik,
Kenangan dan tertawa,
Waktu yang baik untuk diingat,
Tapi berapa lama itu akan berakhir
the grass soon fades,
leaves begin to fall,
school replaces sleepovers,
oh I'll miss it all
rumput segera memudar,
daun mulai jatuh,
sekolah menggantikan menginap,
oh aku akan kehilangan semuanya
Rumput segera memudar,
Daun-daun mulai berguguran,
Sekolah menjadi libur,
Oh..aku akan merindukan semuanya.